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Other Applications | Victory Lighting


Victory Lighting specialises in providing advanced IR (Infrared) and UV (Ultraviolet) solutions tailored to diverse industries and manufacturing processes. Our cutting-edge technologies support critical applications such as pre-heating, where precise thermal control enhances material preparation, and annealing, which ensures optimal material properties through controlled heating. In filter manufacturing, our UV solutions enable effective bonding and curing processes, while IR systems improve production efficiency. For the battery manufacturing sector, Victory Lighting’s IR and UV technologies play a pivotal role in ensuring quality, precision, and consistency in key production stages. With a commitment to innovation and reliability, Victory Lighting empowers industries to achieve superior results while optimising efficiency.


Pre-heating is a critical step in various manufacturing processes where materials must be heated before progressing to subsequent phases, such as soldering Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs). This preliminary heating ensures optimal conditions for effective bonding and functionality.

Infrared heating is an excellent choice for pre-heating due to its ability to deliver instant, targeted heat efficiently. This technology allows manufacturers to quickly warm materials, which enhances energy efficiency and reduces production time. For instance, in PCB manufacturing, infrared heating can be utilised at multiple stages: prior to applying flux, during the fluxing process, and after fluxing. This multi-stage heating capability results in clearer advantages, including improved solder joint quality and overall product reliability.



Annealing is a metallurgical process that involves heating metals or glass and then allowing them to cool gradually. This method helps eliminate internal stresses, making the materials easier to manipulate and shape during further processing.

Infrared heating serves as an ideal energy source for annealing applications. Its precise temperature control capabilities enable manufacturers to achieve the exact heating levels necessary for effective stress relief. Additionally, infrared technology accelerates the annealing process, significantly reducing cycle times while enhancing energy efficiency. This not only improves throughput but also maintains the integrity of the materials being treated.


Filter Manufacturing

At Victory, we partner with a diverse range of manufacturers, including those involved in filter production. A crucial aspect of filter manufacturing involves ensuring that the filter remains rigid and consistent throughout the process. To achieve this, a top and bottom structure must be securely installed.

The adhesive used in this application requires activation before the plastic top can be applied and cured in place. By employing Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR) technology, manufacturers can minimise the time spent on each filter, leading to higher production yields and reduced operational costs. This efficient heating method ensures that the adhesive is activated quickly and effectively, maintaining the quality and reliability of the final product.


Battery Manufacturing

Infrared technology is exceptionally well-suited for specialised drying applications in the battery manufacturing sector. The efficiency offered by short-wave infrared heating makes it the ideal choice for various processes.

In battery production, IR is particularly utilised for drying the electrode slurry, where maintaining a consistent and controlled temperature is crucial. This precision not only optimises the drying process but also enhances the overall performance and lifespan of the batteries produced. Our range of products, including IR lamps and IR modules, are designed to meet the unique heating requirements of battery manufacturing.



Adhesives play a pivotal role in numerous manufacturing applications, often necessitating activation and drying processes to ensure optimal performance. The integration of infrared heating technology has significantly transformed productivity in this area.

Some adhesives require activation through heat, while others, like water-based adhesives, need a thorough drying process. The use of infrared heating accelerates these processes, providing a uniform level of adhesion and allowing manufacturers to maximise output in less time. By improving efficiency, infrared technology enables companies to meet higher production demands without compromising on quality.